

Culligan US-EZ-4

Culligan US-EZ-4
Culligan US-EZ-4
Today’we’re looking at the Culligan US-EZ-4.

This is a complete under sink drinking water system designed for ease of installation and ease of use. Now, there are a number of things I want to show you.

First of all it comes with everything you need for easy installation: the tubing, the hardware, the valve head and the cartridge of course, and a drinking water faucet with integrated electronic filter change indicator light.

This system is super easy to install, primarily because of these quick connect fittings, when it’s time to connect the water lines, there are no tools necessary.
Culligan US-EZ-3
Culligan US-EZ-1
Culligan US-EZ-1
Also, the system has super easy cartridge changes, watch this. In and twist, out, in and twist, that’s it, super easy. Throw the whole cartridge away, stick a new one in its place. The valve head receives all three of the RC-EZ cartridges. This is the RC-EZ-4, the RC-EZ-3 and the RC-EZ-1.  They all fit into the same valve head, so you can change cartridges based on your unique circumstances.

Maybe your water is fine right now and you just want basic chlorine taste and odor reduction. Then an RC-EZ-1 is a great choice. But, let’s say the local authorities notify you that there are chloramines in the water, now you want to upgrade to the RC-EZ-4 to remove that nasty cancer causing chemical from your water. So, it’s flexible. The whole system is NSF Standard 42 and 53 certified for a long list of contaminants, and of course that depends on which one of these cartridges you’re using.

But if you’re using the RC-EZ-4 cartridge, you’ll remove chlorine taste and odor, sediment, lead, mercury, VOC’s, microorganisms like cryptosporidium and giardia, MTBE’s and chloramines. Those are some serious nasties that you don’t want in your drinking water.

Filter life on the RC-EZ-4 is 500 gallons or six months, whichever comes first. Again, this is the Culligan US-EZ-4 system, also available as the US-EZ-3, or the US-EZ-1.